Emergency School Closing
The district may close schools due to severe weather, epidemics, or other emergency conditions. When such conditions exist, the Superintendent will make the official decision concerning the closing of the district’s facilities. When it becomes necessary to open late, to release students early, or to cancel school, district officials will place an automated phone call and text message to all phone numbers in the Clifton ISD system, post a notice on the district’s website and notify the following radio and television stations:
KCEN-TV, Channel 6, Waco, www.kcentv.com
WFAA-TV, Channel 8, Dallas-Ft. Worth, www.wfaa.com
KWTX-TV, Channel 10, Waco, www.kwtx.com
KWKT-TV, Channel 44, Waco, www.fox44news.com
KXXV-TV, Channel 25, Waco, www.kxxv.com
WACO-FM, Radio Channel 99.9, Waco, www.waco100.iheart.com